Reminder: Life is precious!

Hello Dear Ones,

I hope your 2020 is off to a wonderful start.

I am here to support you in raising your energy with movement, energy medicine, and Whole Body Intelligence practices. Our lives can become a moving meditation of grace, gratitude, and service. We always have two choices. We can live our lives from a deep place of reverence for the preciousness of life and accept the gift we have been given to live, or we can work against ourselves causing stress and havoc on our nervous systems. We are constantly ebbing and flowing: our minds, our bodies, and even our cells!

Recently, I had two important pieces of news come to me in the second week of the year. I was honored as a teacher spotlight in SF Yoga Magazine for my eclectic teaching style. Read it here:

I also got a call back into the doctor’s on a questionable mammogram. Below is a video of 2 energy medicine techniques that I used to raise my energetic force field and clear my body of a mass that was forming in my breast. These techniques were successful. The ultrasound did not match what the mammogram displayed a week earlier. We must be diligent in our energy medicine practices as energy leaks do happen. Staying open and compassionate yet protecting our heart chakras is a delicate dance.

 I hope these techniques help you as they greatly helped me in my time of need. Book a private session with me today to update your energy anatomy system for 2020!

True manifestations are powered by service and love. 

Love and Blessings, Amanda

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