Are Your Physical Body & Energy Anatomy Systems Protected for the Holidays?

Greetings during these tender times! It is hard to believe that in the midst of chaos in California, that the Holidays are upon us?  As joyous as the Holidays can be, for many of us, it certainly adds extra components parts to an already full and active lifestyle. Many of us (myself included) have strong perfectionist tendencies to create memorial, Martha Stewart like holiday no matter what!

This pre-existing condition, tossed in with an intense California wildfire can be a bit of an overload for the body and the mind. Is your system protected? Is your physical body grounded? Or are your systems, cells, and organs becoming taxed and depleted trying to defend toxins while feigning normalcy when nothing is actually quite normal right now?  How is the quality of your mind? Are you sleeping or are you in extreme fear? I have included some excerpts from my dear friend Dr. Lissa Rankin, MD book- The Fear Cure. I am re-reading it right now and finding tremendous value because ultimately we do have to consider-  does FEAR make us sick?

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” Albert Eintein 

Four Courage- Cultivating Truths

Truth #1: Uncertainty is the gateway to possibility.

Truth #2: Loss is natural and can lead to growth.

Truth #3: It’s a purposeful universe.

Truth #4: We are all ONE.


10 Signs that you have WAY TOO MANY STRESS HORMONES

  1. Your not sleeping well.
  2. Even when you sleep well, you’re still tired.
  3. You’re gaining weight, especially around your abdomen, even when you eat well and exercise.
  4. You catch colds and other infections easily.
  5. You feel dizzy for no good reason.
  6. You experience backaches and/or headaches.
  7. Your sex drive disappears.
  8. Your gut acts up.
  9. You feel anxious.
  10. You feel blue.

What you can do? Your can actively re-set your nervous system with me via breath, massage, movement, and energy medicine. The adrenal glands which tie into the 1st chakra need to be grounded inorder for you to feel safe in your physical body and keep you moving forward with ease & grace. If you are not grounded. It’s a straight up SHIT-SHOW! Get into your body now, so that you can think clearly and make the best possible decisions for you and your family. Book a private session now or come to one of my final 2018 events. Hope is Hip. Let’s breath and release so we have the ability to move into 2019 with postive vibrations. It is not always easy but it is doable! 

Upcoming Events:

11/23/18 Flow & Glow Event @ Soulstice Mind & Body 

Includes giftbag from Space NK


12/1/18- De-Stess & De-Tox Mini-Retreat  This event is so timely as ALL of us need to currently De-Tox from the fires. Includes a specialty De-Tox Oil for at home use.


No matter what is transpiring- may we find relaxation and freedom in the body. Even it if it is temporary! We guide the body into relaxation response so it has an imprint to return to.

According to the Yoga Sutras- “Everything exists to set us Free!

Love & Blessings,



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