Living an Empowered Life: Bodywork Focused on the 1st & 3rd Chakras

Living an Empowered Life: Bodywork Focused on the 1st & 3rd Chakra


The 3rd Chakra in relationship to bodywork is very important for many reasons.  Proper energy distribution throughout the body is one of its key functions.  This is also why our energy gets compromised when we engage in arguments or fighting with others. Our body is a complex system with many internal mechanisms.  The 3rd chakra is generally located in the center of the body. It makes complete sense that it would be responsible for radiating our physical energy evenly to all corners of the body.

Syncing the 1st and 3rd chakra together is a good move for most people. 1st chakra stabilization and health is of major importance in our global financial times.  So many have been affected by current global situations causing disruption and fear in the first chakra. Deep energy healing of this energy center can allow you to move what I like to call the “ 911 energy” out of your body and field.  This enables you to be grounded in your body and overcome any negative economic beliefs that you may hold and be in present time. I have found that when we are in a creative space, we do ultimately feel empowered about our life and what lies before us.

 What clients have experienced is profound healing at the base of the spine/ tip of the coccyx and a beautiful sensation of empowerment. My client who is married to a body worker and mindfulness teacher in the Bay Area was blown out by the results.  She showed up completely out of her body after working a full week and caring for her toddler son all Saturday. She left empowered and ready to return to the demands of working motherhood but with a delightful and refreshed attitude.

 “Chakras are like computer chips, programmed for specific data reception, storage, and transmission. Your chakras are programmed with information input from many sources: hereditary, cellular, karmic, cosmological, and universal consciousness. This data is continually being updated, sorted, referenced, added to, and deleted, consciously and unconsciously. Working on your chakra health allows you to be the conscious data processor of your chakra information.”

-Body of Health, Mc Cartney

I invite you to juice up your personal power and vitality with this unique offering

from Relax and Be Free.

This month’s bodywork and energy medicine will focus on the 1st & 3rdchakra alignment as well as kidney health. The kidneys govern the fluids in the body.  In all my sessions, tuning forks are always placed on Kidney 1 as well as other Kidney points to get your life force flowing.  Sometimes, the back pain that we experience can be directly related to kidneys and 1st and 3rd charka health.

Looking forward to serving you!


Amanda Snow

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